Poly List Problems

I use common button images throughout my application so I thought the GDIPPictureContainer would be a great idea to manage them.

I'm trying to implement it for setting the button images for a LargeButtonItem on a poly list.  The Button on this item does not have image name properties for the up/down buttons (which would be useful) so I can't just select the image from the container drop down or set the name at run time.
I'm trying this which compiles but doesn't actually do anything.  I just get a default image (two down arrows).
 TLargeButtonedItem *button = (TLargeButtonedItem *) AdvVerticalPolyListDialog->AddItem(__classid(TLargeButtonedItem));
 TAdvGDIPPicture *picture = DataModuleGlobal->GDIPPictureContainerMain->FindPicture(buttonImageName);

The image name is definitely correct because if I set
button->ImageName then the image appears (not on the button but next to it)
The other problem I have is I want to be able to click on the caption/description to also act the same as if the user clicked the button.  I though the ItemClick event would do this but it is not being called.
Can you please suggest the correct way to address these issues?

Have also tried

 TAdvGDIPPicture *picture = DataModuleGlobal->GDIPPictureContainerMain->FindPicture(buttonImageName);
 TMemoryStream *stream = new TMemoryStream();
 if (picture)
stream->Position = 0;
stream->Position = 0;
and brute force
and neither work.
Doh! This has fixed the button image problem.  The default must be btExpander if you do not specify.
 button->ButtonType = btButton;
I still can't get either OnItemClick nor OnItemDblClick to fire still.  OnItemSelect fires but this prevents you using the keboard to select one of the options.