I'm looking in the manual and I see that I need to use TPlannerExport component in order to export my planner to excel file? But, I don't have that component. Is it required to buy Flexcel or this is some other way to do it?
I think it's a bit unreasonable to expect us to pay additional 125 euro just to have "Save as excel file..." feature. This feature should be a part of the component since I see nothing else giving editable graphical representation of the data inside the planner.
Something like TAdvGridExcelIO would be neccessary..
I can assure that the XLSX engine is a very complex engine that has almost 10 years of development in it and we have no plans to give this away for free. If you want to export, you can always use the built-in export to HTML.
I have no doubts you invested a lot of time in Flexcel. But still, this is just a single feature and it shouldn't be so depended on the entire component suite, increasing the cost for the end user so dramatically. Too bad..