pasting to a TAdvMemo


I sent an email to TMS yesterday but have not had a response yet.

I have just purchased the TAdvMemo and I can't paste (CTRL V) any text to the memo - noting happens.

(The control is not read-only)

Also when I try and use :


I get an error :

[bcc32 Error] Unit2.cpp(4121): E2316 'PasteFromClipboard' is not a member of 'TAdvMemo'
  Full parser context
    Unit2.cpp(4120): parsing: void _fastcall TForm2::Paste1Click(TObject *)

The developers manual states:

Procedure PasteFromClipboard: Inserts the text from the clipboard to the TAdvMemo control.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong

I have retested this here but cannot see any issue, not by pressing Ctrl-V or by executing PasteFromClipboard. Are you sure you have a clean setup of the latest version only? Check if there is only ONE and the correct / latest version of AdvMemo.* on your hard disk. Try also with turning off the use of runtime packages in your C++ project.