Orientation always Portrait

Hi @ all,

I've some problem with the TAdvPreviewForm, when using for
the print of a TAdvStringGrid. In one project it forced a print
to be orientated by "protrait" instead of "landscape".
In asgprev.pas for the TAdvPreviewForm.PrintBtnClick
I trace and find out, that you save the old orientation from
the windows-printer-settings, than you change the windows-printer-settings
to the option which is set in the stringgrid and before you let the
printer do it's job, you set the orientation back to it's old (wrong) saved
state. I don't think that this is a behavior you really want, so please
change the source from (using, but not found a entry in changelog until now)
    if PrinterSetupDialog then
      ps := TPrinterSetupDialog.Create(Self);
      ori := printer.Orientation;
      printer.Orientation := grid.PrintSettings.Orientation;
      res := ps.Execute;
      if not res then Exit;
      grid.PrintSettings.Orientation := ori;
    if PrinterSetupDialog then
      ps := TPrinterSetupDialog.Create(Self);
      ori := printer.Orientation;
      printer.Orientation := grid.PrintSettings.Orientation;
      res := ps.Execute;
      if not res then Exit;
      grid.PrintSettings.Orientation := printer.Orientation;
      printer.Orientation := ori;

or similar. Just an example, how it worked for me.

I hope you agree to this fix.

Greetings from Papenburg, Germany

Thanks for informing. We'll correct this accordingly.

That whould be great! Thanks!

Greetings from Papenburg, Germany