OnGetCellProp - Font not passed as reference?


    I'm trying to change the 'Font.Style' attribute using the event 'OnGetCellProp' but it is not accepting a change like:

  Font.Style := [fsBold];

   The style remains unchanged. I realized that the parameters for this event are been passed like that:

(Sender: TObject; RowIndex, ColumnIndex: Integer; AValue: string; var AColor: TIWColor; var AAlignment: TAlignment; Font: TIWFont);

   Note that 'Font' isn't been passed as reference, like 'AColor' and 'AAlignment'. Is this the cause for the  'Font.Style' not working above? If not, how to change 'Font' attributes?


   Joao Lira.


I forgot to say that I'm using a 'TTIWDBAdvWebGrid' on Delphi 10.2.2, Intraweb 14.2.7, TMS Intraweb, and that situation happens for all web browsers.

Joao Lira.


I have not been able to reproduce this issue.
Can you reproduce this issue in a new app with only a TIWAdvWebGrid control?
If so, please provide a ready to run sample project that demonstrates the issue so I can further investigate this.