One custom item not drawn by TTMSFMXSpinner

If I add three custom items to a column of a TTMSFMXSpinner component and set column's RangeFrom = 0 and RangeTo = 2, three items are drawn which is ok. If I add two custom items and set column's RangeFrom = 0 and RangeTo = 1, two items are drawn which is also ok. If I add only one custom item and set column's RangeFrom = 0 and RangeTo = 0, the item is not drawn. I found that the condition

  if GetRangeCount <= 0 then

at the beginning of procedure TTMSFMXColumn.Draw in unit FMX.TMSSpinner has to be changed to

  if GetRangeCount < 0 then

Thanks for reporting. We'll address this for the next update.