Office 2007 / 2010 style color picker

I'm wondering if there is an Office 2007 / 2010 style color picker available. I can't find any component or setting.

Thank you in advance for your response.

There are several color picker controls like TAdvOfficeColorSelector, AdvColorSelector, AdvColorPickerDropDown. Did you try any of them specially AdvOfficeColorSelector?

Yes, I've tried these controls already but it seems these controls are like the Office 2003 style instead of the 2007 / 2010 Office style. Is this a setting or just not available?

When adding the AdvOfficeColorSelector it shows like this:

But I prefer this:

I found out that one of your screenshots shows the Office 2007 / 2010 color selecter look a like:

Can you please inform me what the options are? Thank you in advance.

Can you please help me out with my question? Thank you in advance.

This is the TMS TAdvColorPickerDropDown:

A demo of the TMS Advanced DropDown Controls is included in the TMS Component Pack samples distribution.