Mariadb's dynamic columns and Aurelius

I am using till now Mariadb's dynamic columns
How possible with Aurelius is to have a string field than can be overridden during sql select/insert/update?
is that possible?

You can change the name of a mapped column at runtime, but it will be global to the mapping - it will affect all further operations from all managers, and it's not thread-safe.
You would do something like this:

Explorer.EntityTypeFromClass(TMyClass).AllColumns.Find('SOME_COLUMN').Name := NewName;

I am not sure this helps
For Where expressions we have the Linq.Sql expression
We need a special type of variable like Tuntouchable that could be a string derived type:

  1. As an element to be requested by the SQL SELECT it should have a "value" to be used as a Format string where Aurelius adds the table identifier eg. A. or B. (A Sql Projection can be used also, or sql function)
  2. As an element in INSERT/UPDATE where a "value" exist to be inserted without quotes, again as a Format string where Aurelius adds the table identifier eg. A. or B.

I know this a feature request and I know that many other request are in front of mine, but this type of field can be used for special cases in all databases

This is a very specific need indeed, and unfortunately not currently supported.

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