manually login and create users in Sphinx from web core


It is possible(any guide) to login and create user in sphinx using webcore without using TSphinxWebLogin.

I want to hide the create user option by creating my own login page and also if possible to have a internal webapp to create users(with default password and force to change it in next login), users will not be able to autocreate accounts.

thanks in advance,

Omar Zelaya

There is no such built-in option for now. You would have to create your own API server that, server-side, would use the direct Sphinx classes and methods to create users.


Any hint wich classes and methods to look for to start?

Thanks in advace,

Omar Zelaya

Sure, you should mostly look for the IUserManager interface.

The Simple demo available in Sphinx distribution uses it, you can check for the SeedUsers method in the unit ServerUtils.