API REST - User Manager

For remote management, we need to create/update new users calling a remote Rest service with request values in json (user, pass)

What are the posible steps to make this functionality?

Create User, Update User, User Status

You can create a XData server to do that, and inside the XData method implementations, you call Sphinx regular methods to create user, update user, etc.

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I create a testing implementation for XData but when I get IUserManager, if it is inside other API (my second xData), Assertion failure - exception is received.

I attached my source code

-------------- sample testing code --------------

unit SSO.Services.ServiceUsersImplementation;


  SSO.Services.ServiceUsers, SSO.Server.MainComponents;

type // ISSOServiceUsers

  TSSOServiceUsers = class(TInterfacedObject, ISSOServiceUsers)
    function CreateUser(AUser, APass: string): string;


  Sphinx.Context, Sphinx.UserManager, Sphinx.Entities;

function TSSOServiceUsers.CreateUser(AUser, APass: string): string;
  LContext: Sphinx.Context.ISphinxContext;
  LUsrMgr: Sphinx.UserManager.IUserManager;
  LUser: Sphinx.Entities.TUser;
  { *** Testing xdata second api *** }

  LContext := SSOServerMainComponents.SphinxServer1.CreateContext;
  /// ////////////
  /// next line create exception <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  /// "Assertion failure (C:\\Desarrollo\\Delphi Components\\TMS Sphinx\\source\\core\\Sphinx.UserManager.Impl.pas, line 435)"
  LUsrMgr := LContext.UserManager;
  /// ////////////
  LUser := LUsrMgr.CreateUserInstance;
  LUser.Email := 'test@test.com';
  LUser.EmailConfirmed := True;
  LContext.UserManager.CreateUser(LUser, '12345');





Do not create the context from the Sphinx server, as your XData server is another, different server than Sphinx. Instead, use this:

uses Sphinx.Config.CoreOptions, Sphinx.Context.Impl;

LContext := TSphinxContext.Create(

I think in any real life implementation, some kind of user management will have to be implemented. You guys have all the components for that - both server-side & GUI-side, would you be able to put together a demo showing how it can be done the easiest way, using your components?

At the same time, Group class should probably be made extensible, like the User class is. And there should be some provisions added for access rights management. Even a basic "user" vs. "admin" access differentiation that can be assigned to groups, per Tenant, so that "admin" group members can manage user properties in the same Tenant, but "user" group members cannot.

It's something that can be provided in a future release, of course. But it's not available right now. And users can do it (with some effort of course), it's not a blocking issue.

Not blocking, yes. But for someone not too familiar with your many lines of products, it would be a lot of effort. Maybe you could create a simple demo using your WEB front-end product (or two - I believe you can do this in like 3 different ways at least)...