
Is there any kind of localization possible with TMS components?
Are there translations available voor the various resourcestrings, preferrably in Dutch?
Do you recommand using the standard Delphi LOcalization aids for TMS components?

We typically use either published string properties or resource strings for text displayed in the UI by our components. This means that existing translation tools such as TsiLang, Advanced Localizer, Lingobit localizer (and many more) can be used for automatic translation of string values in the source.

But you don't have a set of translated resourcestrings ready?
That means every user of your components has to translate the English strings on their own, is that correct?

may I add precision language suite (very cheap)

Except for TWebUpdate we indeed have no pre-translated strings. For TWebUpdate we have this available as this is the component with probably most user-interface visible predefined text.