livegrid on android


i already used livegrid on android and my test has been verified that it is very slower on android with many records (about 500) ... Now i want to known that the true alternative is ListView or tableview or there is any way to make livegrid faster ? someone use OnGetText or OnDrawCell methods to load records but i don't known how !! can i have some example for this ?

Help me please ! 

Thank u . 


I found livegrid is slow too on my android device. Mine has only 5-10 records (rows) and 8 about 8 columns. But My livegrid is livebinded to a database table. Every edit instantly updates database table. Probably that is why mine slows down. I was planning to try not to livebind my table to the grid, and have my table updated right after the user hit some update button. I am not sure if that is going to speed it up. Just a thought to share.

yes my grid is binded to DB but go very slow on scrolling only !


Unforatunately due to the object management in FireMonkey the scrolling is slow on mobile devices.
The performance with this technique is already maxed out, so we might need to investigate other possibilities to have a better performance.

Kind Regards, 

then i must use ListView or tableview ? what suggest ?

TableView also has problems on Android but a TListView is pretty fast.

The TableView is also built from the ground up and therefore has the same limitations on mobile platforms as the grid. New components that are in development such as the upcoming treeview component do not have these limitations and have a better performance on mobile platforms.

We will investigate here if we can workaround these limitations in existing components.

Kind Regards, 

how many time need to have updates ? 

We still need to investigate the possibilities as this affects the core of the components. It's unclear which timeframe is needed to investigate this.

Hoping for your understanding,

Kind Regards, 

Any news ? ... Advise me when there are updates for grid please :) Thank you


Due to the high workload we haven't been able to allocate time for this yet. As soon as this is possible 
we will investigate the possibilities.

Hoping for your understanding,

Kind Regards, 