Lazarus Support?

Can we install TMS Component Pack to Lazarus (i know Flexcel is possible but for others)
If not then is there any plan for it?
Thanks already...

Lazarus support is currently limited to TMS Flexcel.
If there is sufficient demand for more support of other products for Lazarus, this will be considered,

for now, this demand has proven to be quite low unfortunately.

Dear Mister Fierens, I wish you an Happy New year!

Due to recurent expensive Embarcadero upgrades, I investigate also to switch to Lazarus.
It would be nice to be able to use your TMS component with that environment too.
Have a nice day,
Philippe Luyten
You can have a look at the TMS FNC UI Pack:
The TMS FNC UI Pack supports Lazarus 1.4.4 with FPC 2.6.4 or newer official releases.