lazarus component TWebDateTimePicker

lazarus component TWebDateTimePicker

Whether it is possible to set the default date format,
uses sysutils;
That later all components of this type take over the format

I've not had any success - sometimes dates are formatted the way I'd like, other times they do what they like

component TTMSFNCDatePicker
has the expected behavior in the web browser

work ok, read FormatSettings.ShortDateFormat:='dd.MM.yyyy';

Components TMS FNC UI Package cannot define a style

ElementClassName not work

when used in web applications

FNC components are rendered on the HTML5 Canvas and therefore, do not support CSS styling like HTML elements do.

Ok for style,

But more important is the date format to be set in the program and for all components to take over that format
uses sysutils;
That later all components of this type take over the format

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TWebDateTimePicker is a wrapper for the HTML INPUT element of the type date
Formatting is controlled by the browser for this INPUT type