Issues while using Shapes


I am currently working with shapes using Flexcel.
However, I have encountered 2 issues that I am not able to solve.

First, I would like to group two shapes together. Is there any way to do this? I tried to use the AddChild function, but it doesn't have any effect...

Secondly, I want to prevent an overflow in these shapes. When adding paragraphs to the shape with a Clip TextHorizontalOverflow, I have my paragraphs broken in multiple lines nevertheless...
Here is a result :


Best regards

Have you tried with APIMate? Create a couple of grouped shapes in Excel, set the overflow as you want it, save the file, and open it in APIMate. It should tell you the code to create those same files with FlexCel.

Yes, I tried, but without success...

Sorry about that. I just checked it and indeed APIMate is ignoring grouped objects, and we really don't support adding them via the API. All the support to do it is there (we need to render those objects and add them when reading xlsx files), but the AddAutoShape method doesn't have an overload to do it.

We will be adding the ability to add grouped shapes with the API for the next release.

About the second issue, I am not 100% sure I understood what you want (you mention that you want to prevent overflow, but also that the problem is that the lines are broken in many lines). Those are separate properties: One is to keep the text without wrapping (word wrap in the shape properties):

The other is to keep the text from overflowing or not the shape when it reaches the right side. If the text overflows, it will write the text outside the shape:

And just as a side note, this second property will be ignored if you save as xls:

As said, I didn't know which one was exactly, so I made 2 boxes and opened them with APIMate (without grouping them, because as per 1. if we group them APIMate will currently ignore them)

This is the code I got, but you can really set the properties as you like and APIMate should tell you the code:

program Project2;


{$R *.res}

  System.SysUtils,FlexCel.VCLSupport, FlexCel.Core, FlexCel.XlsAdapter;

procedure CreateExcelFile(const xls: TExcelFile);
  Paragraphs: TArray<TDrawingTextParagraph>;
  ParagraphRuns: TArray<TDrawingTextRun>;
  TextAttributes: TDrawingTextAttributes;
  RunProperties: TDrawingTextProperties;
  ParagraphProperties: TDrawingParagraphProperties;
  ParagraphEndProperties: TDrawingTextProperties;
  ShapeOptions1: IShapeProperties;
  ShapeOptions2: IShapeProperties;
  xls.NewFile(1, TExcelFileFormat.v2023);  //Create a new Excel file with 1 sheet.

  //Set the names of the sheets
  xls.ActiveSheet := 1;
  xls.SheetName := 'Sheet1';

  Paragraphs := nil;  //SetLength will resize the array in place. We set it to nil first to create a new array.
  SetLength(Paragraphs, 1);
  ParagraphRuns := nil;  //SetLength will resize the array in place. We set it to nil first to create a new array.
  SetLength(ParagraphRuns, 2);
  TextAttributes := TDrawingTextAttributes.Create(nil, 'en-US', '', 1100, nil, nil, NullableTDrawingUnderlineStyle.Null, NullableTDrawingTextStrike.Null, nil, NullableTDrawingTextCapitalization.Null, NullableTDrawingCoordinate.Null, nil, nil, nil, false, false, false, 0, '');
  RunProperties := TDrawingTextProperties.Create(nil, TextAttributes);
  ParagraphRuns[0] := TDrawingTextRun.Create('this is', RunProperties);
  TextAttributes := TDrawingTextAttributes.Create(nil, 'en-US', '', 1100, nil, nil, NullableTDrawingUnderlineStyle.Null, NullableTDrawingTextStrike.Null, nil, NullableTDrawingTextCapitalization.Null, NullableTDrawingCoordinate.Null, nil, 0, nil, false, false, false, 0, '');
  RunProperties := TDrawingTextProperties.Create(nil, TextAttributes);
  ParagraphRuns[1] := TDrawingTextRun.Create(' a text that doesn''t wrap', RunProperties);
  ParagraphProperties := TDrawingParagraphProperties.Create(347663, 0, 0, TDrawingCoordinate.Create(-342900), TDrawingAlignment.Left, TDrawingCoordinate.Create(0), nil, true, TDrawingFontAlign.BaseLine, true, false, TDrawingTextProperties.Empty, false);
  TextAttributes := TDrawingTextAttributes.Create(nil, 'en-US', '', 1100, nil, nil, NullableTDrawingUnderlineStyle.Null, NullableTDrawingTextStrike.Null, nil, NullableTDrawingTextCapitalization.Null, NullableTDrawingCoordinate.Null, nil, nil, nil, false, false, false, 0, '');
  ParagraphEndProperties := TDrawingTextProperties.Create(nil, TextAttributes);
  Paragraphs[0] := TDrawingTextParagraph.Create(ParagraphRuns, ParagraphProperties, ParagraphEndProperties);

  ShapeOptions1 := TShapeProperties_Create();
  ShapeOptions1.Anchor := TClientAnchor.Create(TFlxAnchorType.MoveAndResize, 2, 201, 3, 480, 6, 148, 5, 560);
  ShapeOptions1.ShapeType := TShapeType.Rectangle;
  ShapeOptions1.ObjectType := TObjectType.MicrosoftOfficeDrawing;
  ShapeOptions1.ShapeName := 'Rectangle 1';
  ShapeOptions1.Text := TDrawingRichString.Create(Paragraphs);
  ShapeOptions1.LockText := true;
  ShapeOptions1.TextHorizontalAlignment := THFlxAlignment.left;
  ShapeOptions1.TextVerticalAlignment :=;
  ShapeOptions1.RotateTextWithShape := true;
  ShapeOptions1.ShapeThemeFont := TShapeFont_Create(TFontScheme.Minor, TDrawingColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Light1));
  ShapeOptions1.Visible := true;
  ShapeOptions1.ShapeGeometry := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><a:shapeGeom xmlns:a=""><a:prstGeom'
  + ' prst="rect"><a:avLst /></a:prstGeom></a:shapeGeom>';
  ShapeOptions1.ShapeLine := TShapeLine_Create(true, nil, TDrawingColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Accent1, TColorTransformArray.Create(TColorTransform.Create(TColorTransformType.Shade, 0.15))), TFormattingType.Moderate);
  ShapeOptions1.ShapeFill := TShapeFill_Create(nil, true, TFormattingType.Subtle, TDrawingColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Accent1), false);
  ShapeOptions1.ShapeOptions.SetValue(TShapeOption.WrapText, 2);
  ShapeOptions1.ShapeOptions.SetValue(TShapeOption.shadowColor, 16777215);
  ShapeOptions1.ShapeOptions.SetValue(TShapeOption.shadowOpacity, 0);
  ShapeOptions1.ShapeOptions.SetValue(TShapeOption.wzName, 'Rectangle 1');

  Paragraphs := nil;  //SetLength will resize the array in place. We set it to nil first to create a new array.
  SetLength(Paragraphs, 1);
  ParagraphRuns := nil;  //SetLength will resize the array in place. We set it to nil first to create a new array.
  SetLength(ParagraphRuns, 2);
  TextAttributes := TDrawingTextAttributes.Create(nil, 'en-US', '', 1100, nil, nil, NullableTDrawingUnderlineStyle.Null, NullableTDrawingTextStrike.Null, nil, NullableTDrawingTextCapitalization.Null, NullableTDrawingCoordinate.Null, nil, nil, nil, false, false, false, 0, '');
  RunProperties := TDrawingTextProperties.Create(nil, TextAttributes);
  ParagraphRuns[0] := TDrawingTextRun.Create('this is a text', RunProperties);
  TextAttributes := TDrawingTextAttributes.Create(nil, 'en-US', '', 1100, nil, nil, NullableTDrawingUnderlineStyle.Null, NullableTDrawingTextStrike.Null, nil, NullableTDrawingTextCapitalization.Null, NullableTDrawingCoordinate.Null, nil, 0, nil, false, false, false, 0, '');
  RunProperties := TDrawingTextProperties.Create(nil, TextAttributes);
  ParagraphRuns[1] := TDrawingTextRun.Create(' that wraps the line', RunProperties);
  ParagraphProperties := TDrawingParagraphProperties.Create(347663, 0, 0, TDrawingCoordinate.Create(-342900), TDrawingAlignment.Left, TDrawingCoordinate.Create(0), nil, true, TDrawingFontAlign.BaseLine, true, false, TDrawingTextProperties.Empty, false);
  TextAttributes := TDrawingTextAttributes.Create(nil, 'en-US', '', 1100, nil, nil, NullableTDrawingUnderlineStyle.Null, NullableTDrawingTextStrike.Null, nil, NullableTDrawingTextCapitalization.Null, NullableTDrawingCoordinate.Null, nil, nil, nil, false, false, false, 0, '');
  ParagraphEndProperties := TDrawingTextProperties.Create(nil, TextAttributes);
  Paragraphs[0] := TDrawingTextParagraph.Create(ParagraphRuns, ParagraphProperties, ParagraphEndProperties);

  ShapeOptions2 := TShapeProperties_Create();
  ShapeOptions2.Anchor := TClientAnchor.Create(TFlxAnchorType.MoveAndResize, 2, 107, 6, 288, 6, 67, 8, 368);
  ShapeOptions2.ShapeType := TShapeType.Rectangle;
  ShapeOptions2.ObjectType := TObjectType.MicrosoftOfficeDrawing;
  ShapeOptions2.ShapeName := 'Rectangle 2';
  ShapeOptions2.Text := TDrawingRichString.Create(Paragraphs);
  ShapeOptions2.LockText := true;
  ShapeOptions2.TextHorizontalAlignment := THFlxAlignment.left;
  ShapeOptions2.TextVerticalAlignment :=;
  ShapeOptions2.RotateTextWithShape := true;
  ShapeOptions2.TextHorizontalOverflow := TTextHorzOverflow.Clip;
  ShapeOptions2.TextVerticalOverflow := TTextVertOverflow.Clip;
  ShapeOptions2.ShapeThemeFont := TShapeFont_Create(TFontScheme.Minor, TDrawingColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Light1));
  ShapeOptions2.Visible := true;
  ShapeOptions2.ShapeGeometry := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><a:shapeGeom xmlns:a=""><a:prstGeom'
  + ' prst="rect"><a:avLst /></a:prstGeom></a:shapeGeom>';
  ShapeOptions2.ShapeLine := TShapeLine_Create(true, nil, TDrawingColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Accent1, TColorTransformArray.Create(TColorTransform.Create(TColorTransformType.Shade, 0.15))), TFormattingType.Moderate);
  ShapeOptions2.ShapeFill := TShapeFill_Create(nil, true, TFormattingType.Subtle, TDrawingColor.FromTheme(TThemeColor.Accent1), false);
  ShapeOptions2.ShapeOptions.SetValue(TShapeOption.shadowColor, 16777215);
  ShapeOptions2.ShapeOptions.SetValue(TShapeOption.shadowOpacity, 0);
  ShapeOptions2.ShapeOptions.SetValue(TShapeOption.wzName, 'Rectangle 2');


  xls: TXlsFile;
  xls := TXlsFile.Create(true);

    //Save the file as XLS
