Issue with ScrollToItem method of TTMSFNCKanbanBoard

We are using TMS Web Core, FNC Core and FNC UI Pack
If we select a Kanban board item and use the ScrollToItem method to scroll the item into the visible area, this does not work reliably.
There has been a similar issue with the FNC Chat component ( FNCCHAT - Scroll to bottom - FNC / TMS FNC UI Pack - TMS Support Center) and the workaround there also seems to be a workaround here: Instead of doing a single call


you have to do

  for itemindex := 0 to item.Index do


The issue is caused by the same thing as in the TTMSFNCChat component. The items are not being calculated all at once so the ScrollToBottom/ScrollToItem tries to scroll to an incorrect position.

We addressed this along with TTMSFNCChat (and any TTMSFNCTableView descendant). From the next version you'll find an extra PrecalculateItems property for each Column. If you enable it, the items will be calculated whenever the item list is (re)build.