Issue with MouseActions.HotmailRowSelect

The MouseActions.HotmailRowSelect is no longer working properly.

The issue is present in XE7, XE8 and XE10.
I think is appeared with TMS Componant Pack

To reproduce the following issues, simply create a new project with an AdvStringGrid and set MouseActions.HotmailRowSelect to True.

When you drag your mouse to select multiple rows at the same time, they are no longer selected when you let go of the left mouse button.

Also, shift click is no longer working properly. Exemple, click on the second row. Hold shift and click on the 7th row. Nothing happens.
However if you do it the other way around it works... Click the 7th row, hold shift and click on the 2nd row it works.

Help would be appreciated.


Thanks for reporting. We fixed this issue. The next update will address this.