Is it possible to create an Android or IOS RemoteDB server?

Exactly, NO further connection is allowed.

The Android ServerDB hangs completely

However I remove the next line:

procedure TModuloDeDatos.DataModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject);
// Liberamos el servidor remoto

Now it works, I did not know why my datamodule execute the "destroy event"

I did not know that exist an Administration API for RemoteDB, I use it to know the respond, but after my mobile goes into suspension the respond is nil = []


Is it possible to create Android RemoteDB Server with https feature?

I want data be secure across Internet.


Never tried, but to use HTTPS you need a certificate, and for that you need a domain. So you need a valid domain to point to your Android server.

I know, I use Windows RemoteDB Server, so I used the TMS Utility in order to Add the url at the System, however how can I add the https URL to Android?

Or it does not need?

The Android RemoteDB Server serves both http and https requests?


The TMS utility is for http.sys-based server. In the case of Android, you are using Indy-based server, so you have to add the certificate using Indy itself. Some references: ssl - How to use HTTPS in Delphi 10.3 with INDY - Stack Overflow and Creating HTTPS connection with Indy TIdHTTPserver - Indy - Delphi-PRAXiS [en]


Today I was testing the RemoteDB server on iOS.

Initially I had troubles with the network connections but I solved with the next tutorial: - App Transport Security Exceptions fixed (iOS 9+, OS X 10.11+)

However even that the 405 error gaves my trying to connect my PC to the iOS device I can't connect it.

I activated the "administration API" also but when I tried to access it my web browser request me username and password dialog.

Can you point me in the right direction in order to run the REMOTEDB server on iOS?

I'm using an iPhone 14 with iOS 16.6.1



When my iOS device goes to sleep with screen protector, once I wake up the RemoteDB crash because I can't access the url on any webbrowser.

Goes from HTTP ERROR 405


I need to restart the App in order to response again with the 405 error

Unfortunately not, I never tried it and I'm sure there are lots of obstacles to that, as you are experiencing.