Installing FNCUI v

In Tokyo 10.2.3 

Using the Subscription Manager says all of FNC is installed. On the Tokyo IDE it says the BPLs are not found. So proceed to install manually.

All installed OK except for FNCUI VCL and FMX.  Getting the errors below because of apparent requirement for TMSFNCGridExcelIO.pas from the TMS FlexCell for VCL and FMX to be installed. The Subscription manager says it is. Again, IDE says the packages are missing. Tried manual install on FlexCell also with no joy.

Thought you'd like to know there appears to be a requirement for FlexCell in order to do the FNCUI.

Building FMXTMSFNCUIPackPkgDXE11.dproj (Debug, Win32)
[dcc32 Fatal Error] FMXTMSFNCUIPackPkgDXE11.dpk(251): F1026 File not found: 'XlsAdapter\FMX.TMSFNCGridExcelIO.pas'

[dcc32 Fatal Error] VCLTMSFNCUIPackPkgDXE11.dpk(240): F1026 File not found: 'XlsAdapter\VCL.TMSFNCGridExcelIO.pas'

-- Eduardo

TMS FNC UI Pack does not require TMS Flexcel to be installed.
The Excel support is in the XlsAdapter subfolder of the installed path. Please verify this XlsAdapter folder exists. Please verify the file FMX.TMSFNCGridExcelIO.pas exists in this folder and that this folder is added to your library path. Then retry to compile the packages.