InspectorBar: FeditItem = nil problems

I have found infrequent but recurring problems with InspectorBar.pas, where there are a number of Procedures that process FeditItem in various ways. Both I and a number of customers have had problems where FeditItem is nil when these procedures are called - which causes a crash. This is so prevalent I modify InspectorBar.pas every time I get a revision. This has been going on for some years but I did not mention it as I thought it was probably the result of my bad programming elsewhere. But the latest occurrence happened during startup and never came anywhere near any of my code.

What I do is add:
if FEditItem = nil then exit;
as the first line of these Procedures:

procedure TInspectorBar.EditChanged(Sender: TObject);
procedure TInspectorBar.UpdateEdit);
procedure TInspectorBar.ComboChanged(Sender: TObject);

Is it possible to add this (or something similar) to these procedures?

We can adapt this but it would be better if we can reproduce this and find the real cause of why FEditItem = nil

I agree, and if I really have tried over the years, but it's one of those bugs that just 'sometimes happens'.

This is the main thread call stack from the latest encounter (EXE name changed to protect the innocent):

exception message  : Access violation at address 000000000123EDBB in module 'Myprogram.exe'. Read of address 0000000100000058.

main thread ($189c):
0123edbb +01b Myprogram.exe InspectorBar     8704  +1 TInspectorBar.ComboChanged
00475639 +029 Myprogram.exe Vcl.StdCtrls              TCustomCombo.Change
0047459f +05f Myprogram.exe Vcl.StdCtrls              TCustomComboBox.Change
00475a97 +037 Myprogram.exe Vcl.StdCtrls              TCustomCombo.Select
00475563 +1b3 Myprogram.exe Vcl.StdCtrls              TCustomCombo.CNCommand
01205726 +016 Myprogram.exe InspEdits         880  +1 TInspCustomCombo.CNCommand
001722b1 +041 Myprogram.exe System                    TObject.Dispatch
0043a78d +35d Myprogram.exe Vcl.Controls              TControl.WndProc
00441c42 +962 Myprogram.exe Vcl.Controls              TWinControl.WndProc
00475399 +2b9 Myprogram.exe Vcl.StdCtrls              TCustomCombo.WndProc
0047817e +2ae Myprogram.exe Vcl.StdCtrls              TCustomComboBox.WndProc
0043a290 +030 Myprogram.exe Vcl.Controls              TControl.Perform
00441e29 +029 Myprogram.exe Vcl.Controls              DoControlMsg
00442fe3 +013 Myprogram.exe Vcl.Controls              TWinControl.WMCommand
001722b1 +041 Myprogram.exe System                    TObject.Dispatch
0043a78d +35d Myprogram.exe Vcl.Controls              TControl.WndProc
00441c42 +962 Myprogram.exe Vcl.Controls              TWinControl.WndProc
01244aa8 +048 Myprogram.exe InspectorBar    10635 +11 TInspectorBar.WndProc
00440d7a +02a Myprogram.exe Vcl.Controls              TWinControl.MainWndProc
0034acb3 +023 Myprogram.exe System.Classes            StdWndProc
7ffd434b +01f ntdll.dll                                     KiUserCallbackDispatcher
7ffd4234 +0d5 user32.dll                                    SendMessageW
7ffd4234 +089 user32.dll                                    CallWindowProcW
00441dbb +10b Myprogram.exe Vcl.Controls              TWinControl.DefaultHandler
00442ff5 +025 Myprogram.exe Vcl.Controls              TWinControl.WMCommand
001722b1 +041 Myprogram.exe System                    TObject.Dispatch
0043a78d +35d Myprogram.exe Vcl.Controls              TControl.WndProc
00441c42 +962 Myprogram.exe Vcl.Controls              TWinControl.WndProc
00475399 +2b9 Myprogram.exe Vcl.StdCtrls              TCustomCombo.WndProc
0047817e +2ae Myprogram.exe Vcl.StdCtrls              TCustomComboBox.WndProc
00440d7a +02a Myprogram.exe Vcl.Controls              TWinControl.MainWndProc
0034acb3 +023 Myprogram.exe System.Classes            StdWndProc
7ffd434b +01f ntdll.dll                                     KiUserCallbackDispatcher
7ffd4234 +0d5 user32.dll                                    SendMessageW
7ffd4234 +254 user32.dll                                    DispatchMessageW
005d094e +12e Myprogram.exe Vcl.Forms                 TApplication.ProcessMessage
005d09c3 +013 Myprogram.exe Vcl.Forms                 TApplication.HandleMessage
005d0e1a +0ea Myprogram.exe Vcl.Forms                 TApplication.Run
01de746d +3ad Myprogram.exe Myprogram   176 +72 initialization

Sadly this doesn't say much about circumstances preceding the access to FEditItem that is nil

I thought that would be case but it is all I have!