InsertAndCopyRange and formulas

Hi Adrian

I'm using InsertAndCopyRange to implement copy/paste in my app but the formula references aren't updating when I use R1C1 mode - works fine with A1 mode.

Cheers, Bob

Forgot to say - using v7.5.1

What is the code you are using to do the copying?  A1/R1C1 are cosmetic options: Internally all formulas are A1, and that's what InsertAndCopyRange sees. The R1C1 mode means only that when Excel shows the formulas to you it converts them from A1 to R1C1, and when you enter a formula in R1C1 it is converted to A1. But the formulas in the file are exactly the same and are in A1. Maybe there is some combination of entries that could cause R1C1 formulas to behave differently, but I can't really think on one right now.

Can you send me a small app that shows the problem to or post the code here?

Ps: Just to be clear: If in cell A1 you have =B1  then when you copy it to A2, it will be B2.
But if you have the formula =RC[1] and you copy it to A2, it will still be =RC[1], but that's how it should work.
Sorry Adrian - I'll really need to stop posting late at night - was using absolute references. It's working fine.

Cheers, Bob