Insert Image or Attach File in This Support Forum


I see there is an "Insert Image" option in this editor for creating a topic.  When I click that button, there is no choice to select an image from my computer.  I see "Path: /uploads/public" with "File Name" below that on the left side, but nowhere to select an image or upload an image.  On the right side, there is an image URL option with formatting options for some reason (alignmennt, border, alt text, etc.)  What purpose do those formatting options serve when I'm simply trying to insert an image, especially if there is no way to select an image in the first place.  I do not understand.  Seems like it should be very simple and straightforward to insert an image, but I cannot figure out this interface.

For a topic that I create in these forums, how do I either attach a file, or insert an image?

Thank you,


You can use the "insert image" to insert an image reference, i.e. a reference to an image somewhere hosted on another server. You can indeed not upload the image to OUR server. We do not enable this because this isn't a server to host files. 
If you want to share a file for support and cannot upload it somewhere (like DropBox, Google Drive etc..) , you can send it to support by direct email.

Got it - thanks Bruno.