Incorrect map handling

Incorrect map handlingHow do I check that all the elements I'm inserting to the map have been added? BeginUpdate and EndUpdate do not guarantee that the map can read the inserted elements. Please provide me with an urgent method to find out that the map I've built is complete.


Unfortunately there is currently no built-in functionality available to check if an object was added to the map correctly.
We'll have to investigate if this kind of functionality can be added in a future version of TMS FNC Maps.

This is a critical feature that I urgently need. Without this feature, you can't use the maps. It searches for elements that I've added that aren't on the map yet. It centers the map based on elements that aren't there.

Please treat this report critically urgently

Please note that implementing this functionality in TMS FNC Maps will involve significant source code modifications due to its complexity. As such, it is not something that can be achieved in the short term. While we are planning to include this feature in a future release, we do not have an estimated time at this moment.

I can't use maps without being able to check the status of the added objects. As a result I get an image that is incorrectly centered (which is the least of my problems) but the worst thing is that the image doesn't have all the elements so the map is useless.

Unfortunately I have to consider suspending my subscription until the problem is solved.

Please provide some more information (code snippets, screenshot) what the issue is that you are experiencing, and why it is important that you know when the objects are properly added to the map. Given the asynchronous nature of HTML/JavaScript and the various differences in services I hope you understand that this is not a trivial task.

I sent the code to the email address