HTTP Post Request and DataSet

I've tried to do this using a WebHTTPRequest, and the only way is to do it manually, and so I thought I'd try and do it using a WebClientConnection, so I could create the dataset, and then use the datasource and data aware fields.

Unfortunately, I can't see how to execute a POST using a WebClientConnection, or connect a WebClientDataSet to a WebHTTPRequest.

So using an http Post, I can't see how to use a dataset, datasource & fields.

I must be missing something, but I just can't see it.


The TWebClientConnection can be used to fill a TWebClientDataSet from a JSON URI. 
There is no logic in TWebClientConnection to perform updates to the data. This is typically done in the TWebClientDataSet events like AfterPost(), AfterDelete(), AfterInsert() from where the appropriate HTTP requests are performed to Update, Delete, Create records on the database.