How to use the bitmapcontainer with the toolbarbutton

I can select a bitmapcontainer in the TMSFNCToolbarbutton, but how do I use it?
According to the manual there shoud be property's like these

Bitmap The bitmap for normal state.
BitmapContainer A container of bitmaps defined by a name property.
BitmapLarge The bitmap for large state.
BitmapName The name of the bitmap in normal state used in combination with the BitmapContainer.
BitmapNameLarge The name of the bitmap in large state used in combination with the BitmapContainer.

But I can't find them.
All I can see are property's like Bitmaps,Disabled Bitmaps, Hooverbitmaps, and so on. and on none of these I can use the bitmaps in the bitmapcontainer.

Best regards

You need to add an item to the Bitmaps collection (TTMSFNCScaledBitmap collection item), and then select icon of choice via the BitmapName property.


Okay, does it work that way. But that's not what the documentation tells me.
Anyway I no know how to do it.
Thank you

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