How to: Set minimum width of TAdvTaskDialog


Is there a way to set the minimum width of TAdvTaskDialog?
Maybe there is some tweak that can be used?

Setting AdvTaskDialog.NonNativeMinFormWidth doesn't seems to have any effect.
It seems it only sizes the width when presented buttons take up additional width on the messageform.

Can you point out what the difference is between TAdvTaskDialog and TAdvTaskDialogEx?

By the way: I dow want to use Native dialogs.

So NonNativeMinFormWidth will normally have no effect anyway.

For the native dialogs, there isn't a setting for min. width. This is a Windows API limitation.

TAdvTaskDialogEx uses TAdvGlowButton buttons instead of regular buttons in the non-native dialog.

Is there any way to manipulate things?

Maybe by creating some hidden element? Or in any other way?

I am not aware there is a way to manipulate this.

Thanks Bruno, Then I will have to fall back on the NonNative dialog.

I modify TaskDialogs.pas to expose the TaskDialogs flag TDF_SIZE_TO_CONTENT. Whilst it can' t be used to specify a minimum width, it can be used to ensure that long strings are not split in strange places.

Hi Thomas,

Do you have an example on how to do that?

Would it be possible to addapt the solution Thomas is using?

We'll add option doSizeToContent for native taskdialog under Options in the next update.

Great, thank you.