How to save AItems in OnGetFolderList event?


I hope you can help me. How can I save the TCloudItem information of a folder in GetFolderList()?

Currently I get the the folder structure in GetFolderList() and I save the AItems in my var called existingFilesList.

existingFilesList := AItems;

In next step I walk through the list to find a special folder, lets call "Photos". I found it and save it in my var ciPhotoFolder which is a TTMSFNCCloudItem.

  ciPhotoFolder := NIL;

  if existingFilesList <> NIL then
    for i := 0 to existingFilesList.Count-1 do
      if (existingFilesList.Items[i].FileName = cFolderPhotoSDCard)
      and (existingFilesList.Items[i].ItemType = ciFolder) then
        if TMSFNCCloudStorageServices.Service = cssDropbox then
          ciPhotoFolder.Assign(existingFilesList.Items[i] as TTMSFNCCloudDropboxItem );

        if TMSFNCCloudStorageServices.Service = cssMicrosoftOneDrive then
          ciPhotoFolder.Assign(existingFilesList.Items[i] as TTMSFNCCloudMicrosoftOneDriveItem );

        if TMSFNCCloudStorageServices.Service = cssGoogleDrive then
          ciPhotoFolder.Assign(existingFilesList.Items[i] as TTMSFNCCloudGoogleDriveItem );


log.d(ciPhotoFolder.Filename) shows me the correct foldername.

Next I want to know the files from this folder. So I call GetFolderListHierarchical(ciPhotoFolder);

And now comes the problem:
In GetFolderList() my variable ciPhotoFolder.Filename is a file from this folder. That means the variable was overwritten. But why? I did assign the folder item to ciPhotoFolder.

What is the best way to save AItems?
existingFilesList.Assign(AItems); doesn't work.

We are not aware of an issue with this technique. Can you please provide a ready to run sample project that demonstrates the issue so I can further investigate this?

A few minutes ago I've send to you the sample project.

I have not received a sample project.
You can use or a private message on the support center to send sample projects.
Please make sure to not include executable files.

You're right. I answered to the mail from your Support Center and this was a temporary mail address.
I did send it again to the right address.


Can you please make the following changes in your code?

  • Declare existingFilesList as TTMSFNCCloudGoogleDriveItems
  • First create the existingFilesList object and then assign it with the AItems object
  • Remember to free the existingFilesList object afterwards

existingFilesList : TTMSFNCCloudGoogleDriveItems;

if not Assigned(existingFilesList) then
existingFilesList := TTMSFNCCloudGoogleDriveItems.Create(nil, nil);

Hi, thanks for the hint about the object creation. I did make a small improvement, because at the beginning I don't know, whiche Cloud the user uses.

existingFilesList : TTMSFNCCloudItems;
// ...
if not Assigned(existingFilesList) then
if TMSFNCCloudStorageServices1.Service = cssDropbox then
existingFilesList := TTMSFNCCloudDropboxItems.Create(nil, nil);
if TMSFNCCloudStorageServices1.Service = cssMicrosoftOneDrive then
existingFilesList := TTMSFNCCloudMicrosoftOneDriveItems.Create(nil, nil);
if TMSFNCCloudStorageServices1.Service = cssGoogleDrive then
existingFilesList := TTMSFNCCloudGoogleDriveItems.Create(nil, nil);

And it seems to work. Thanks.

PS: When did you plan to make the CloudItem.ParentFolder working?

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We are not aware of any issues with the ParentFolder property.
Can you please explain the issue?