How to code the AdvToolBarPager Expand or Collaps

I am using the AdvToolBarPager in C++Builder 2009.
I need to check the AdvToolBarPager Expand or Collaps state and then reset this state when my program starts. Can you show how I check the AdvToolBarPager Expand or Collaps state and how I can use code to reset it. I do not see any simple true/false property for this.
Patrick Mikula
You can use Property Expanded: Boolean to get the state and procedures Expand and Collaps to set the state.
I should have been clearer in my first post. I have tried to use the procedures Expand and Collaps. These generate the error E2235 seen below. I have AdvToolBarPager in C++Builder 2009.  The code for two event handlers is below. This code generates the error and will not compile. Can you show how to properly set the Expand and Collaps procedures?
[BCC32 Error] Main.cpp(63082): E2235 Member function must be called or its address taken
void __fastcall TWarrior::Label57Click(TObject *Sender)
void __fastcall TWarrior::Label58Click(TObject *Sender)

Simply call them.

void __fastcall TWarrior::Label57Click(TObject *Sender)
void __fastcall TWarrior::Label58Click(TObject *Sender)