Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart Using FNC Chart in TMS Web Core

I need to make a horizontal stacked bar chart using the TTMSFNCChart component in a TMS Web Core application. Is it possible to change the orientation from vertical to horizontal ?
Thank you,


There is no horizontal mode. Only vertical. We'll add this on our feature request list

Hi Pieter,
Thank you for a quick reply.
I know you have FNC Chart, but it would be great if you would team
up with Steema and integrate their HTML5 TeeChart into TMS Web Core.
They've been doing charts along time and it's all they do.
Have a good day,


Thank you for your feedback.
This is a nice suggestion and we'll look into the possibilities.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Using the TWebGoogleChart to generate the horizontal bar graphs


Any news about horizontal bar chart in FNC Chart ?

Have a good day


Due to a lot of other priorities we have not yet been able to investigate the possibilities. Yet, it's still on our feature request list and we evaluate this from time to time. As soon as there is sufficient amount of interest we'll make sure to further move it up on our priority list.

Hi !
Any news on this?
Started a Web Core Project intending to use FNC chart, and I got really surprised when I noticed there were no horizontal options. They're a must-have; so now as a workaround I'm thinking about making some VCL Charts on server and figure how to export them as images; but resolution would be sort of bad as user changes browser dimensions.

I neither could find it available for voting under FNC Features Requests.

We keep a separate list internally that we sychronize from time to time. Right now, our planning is full for at least a couple of months. If time is critical, please contact us separately for a custom development offer

I started testing TWebGoogleChart.
It was under its CustomizeChartJSON event that I ran into the parsed TJSONObject problem with WebLib.JSON.

I would also like to highlight that this is a must-have feature. It's been over three years since first raised. Judging by the counter of this hard to find thread there is a lot of interest from a lot of parties in this development. Please look into giving this a higher priority. We all know the development queues are always filled but if medium priority issue never get a slot then the years just go by and nothing happens.

Thank you kindly in advance!

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