Hide or disable HoverButtons


I am using HoverButtons in TAdvStringGrid - I have 4 buttons (read,write,erase,run)
When I click on one button an event occurred and corresponding function was executed.

But One function take quite long time to finish, and I would like to hide or disable HoveButtons to prevent run another task.

So I would like ask if there is some way to do it ?

Thanks in advance.


There was not yet a built-in method for this.
We have added grid.HideHoverButtons and this new method will be available in the next release

Dear Bruno,

thanks for quick answer.

Dear Bruno,

I found one workaround. In OnHoverButtonsShow event I don't use Allow variable to show/hide all buttons. But I am able do disable functionality of partial buttons using

if ( Button0Enabled ) then
   AdvStringGrid.HoverButtons.Buttons[0].Enabled := false; // disable button
   AdvStringGrid.HoverButtons.Buttons[0].ImageIndex := 5; // set imageindex to another 
   AdvStringGrid.HoverButtons.Buttons[0].Enabled := true; // enable button
   AdvStringGrid.HoverButtons.Buttons[0].ImageIndex := 0; // set imageindex to correct value

And it is working... but sometimes It will be nice to have options to hide disabled button or show Disabled image instead of original.


Instead of a property to hide specific buttons, it would be much better to provide an OnShowHoverButton event, with parameters the button number and the row and column, and a var parameter I could set to true or false.  Then I could hide specific buttons on specific rows.

This would save me having to make a change to the source on every upgrade of the component!  Please consider this change to replace the less flexible one you propose.