Help adding Recent Documents (MRU) to TAdvPreview


I'd like to create a recent documents list in the SubMenuItems of a TMS TAdvPreviewMenu.
I don't need the code for maintaining the list of filenames, just how to programmatically clear and add items to the default SubMenuItems and how to deal with the item's onclick (ie, how to get the  filename in order to open it)

Any tips or pointers to documentation will be appreciated

Thanks in advance.

PS - am using latest TMS Component Pack on Delphi XE3 (VCL)

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Thanks - that helps.

Ok I've managed to get that working via a Reopen... Main menu and adding the filenames to the submenu.

My question now is how do I make that submenu list show by default ?
So when the user first opens the TAdvPreviewMenu they are presented with the recent file list unless they select another menu.