Is there any way to show a TTIWDBAdvWebGrid on an iPad or iPhone and have the text (font) size expand when the user pinches the page?
You can zoom in and out on a page with a TIWDBAdvWebGrid by pinching just like you would with any other page. (as long as zooming is enabled)
So how do I enable zooming?
Zooming is enabled by default.
Are you using any other controls than the TIWDBAdvWebGrid on your form?
Please note that the IWiPhoneStyle control from the TMS IW iPhone Controls Pack will disable zooming by design as this is required to make the TMS IW iPhone controls work as expected.
It turns out the problem was in Intraweb not recoginising the Safari browser using the UserAgent from an iPad. I have fixed this and all is well. Thanks for the help.