Grid sizing columns E R R O R.

if I set     Options.Mouse.ColumnSizing := True;
and         Options.Mouse.FixedColumnSizing := False;

The user, at runtime, cant resize non fixed columns.

As already explained in the previous post, grid.Options.Mouse.FixedColumnSizing: boolean controls whether a column can be sized from the fixed column header. grid.Options.Mouse.ColumnSizing: boolean controls whether a column can be sized via dragging the line between columns on normal (non-fixed) cells.

There are no issues with this behavior, everything works according to spec.

With your words: 

 "grid.Options.Mouse.FixedColumnSizing: boolean controls whether a column can be sized from the fixed column header."

grid.Options.Mouse.ColumnSizing: boolean controls whether a column can be sized via dragging the line between columns on normal (non-fixed) cells.

If I set  the first to False, THE SECOND DON'T WORKS!!!!!!

Can you check this, please!!!

  TMSFMXGrid1.Options.Mouse.ColumnSizing := false;
  TMSFMXGrid1.Options.Mouse.FixedColumnSizing := true;

works according to spec

  TMSFMXGrid1.Options.Mouse.ColumnSizing := true;
  TMSFMXGrid1.Options.Mouse.FixedColumnSizing := true;

works according to spec

  TMSFMXGrid1.Options.Mouse.ColumnSizing := true;
  TMSFMXGrid1.Options.Mouse.FixedColumnSizing := false;

works according to spec

All retested and ALL work according to spec.

Why don't works to me?

If you do not provide more details, I cannot guess that.
All these settings were tested on a default grid and do work.

I cannot see anything wrong with this. FixedColumnSizing is true, and assuming the columns you are sizing on are fixed columns, the behavior works as expected. After setting it to False, sizing is disabled which is also the expected behavior.

Are not fixed columns?

You can see in the properties that there are not fixed columns.

I'm going to ask at the network. 


As already explained in the previous post, grid.Options.Mouse.FixedColumnSizing: boolean controls whether a column can be sized from the fixed column header. grid.Options.Mouse.ColumnSizing: boolean controls whether a column can be sized via dragging the line between columns on normal (non-fixed) cells.
There are no issues with this behavior, everything works according to spec.

The grid you are sizing on in the video, have fixed cells, and thus the FixedColumnSizing property applies.
Pieter Scheldeman2016-06-22 20:27:50

Do you know the difference between FixedColumn and FixedRow?

Can you understand this????

These are not FIXED COLUMNS   

This is a FIXED ROW. 

Are the properties auto explained?  or is and error?

Did you bother to read pages 10,11?

I am going to copy & paste from the documentation now:

ColumnSizing: Boolean: Enables column sizing. When hovering with the mouse over
the normal grid cells. The cursor will change if the column can be sized. This can also be
controlled with events. 

FixedColumnSizing: Boolean: Enables fixed column sizing. When hovering with the
mouse over the fixed grid cells. The cursor will change if the column can be sized. This
can also be controlled with events.

I explained it multiple times now here, I pointed to the exact pages in the PDF guide and copy & pasted the information. There is nothing more to say and the rest is useless semantic discussion.
This forum thread ends here.

Can be the Cells members of a Fixed Row, considered too members of FixedColumns?

Another time a dictatorial order!!!! 

This thread finish when your customer get his problem solved!!!

You can delete all the entries here, but I can make this questions in other more public sites, if you want.

Bruno! This is the premise. If you don't provide documentation of quality, you should provide a very high quality support. 

I'm not sure what's your problem... with every release, on every component, every property there is always something that bothers you, and even if we help you in a matter of minutes (that is what I call HIGH QUALITY SUPPORT), even then you are not satisfied with our help. Even if we want to help you the best we can, to avoid that ugly things get posted on public sites, you didn't bother either and post them anyway (Google+ communities). 

The properties are explained in the documentation. Not every possible combination of properties and not all properties are explained in the documentation. Only the most important properties, behavior and features are explained, simply because we believe source code is the best manual you can have, FMX is in general more complex than VCL and already requires a certain skill set. These specific properties were explained and while you might expect a different behaviour, there is actually no discussion needed, because the documentation specifically explained these properties. No discussion was needed, but you still didn't bother and started a discussion anyway. 

We always try to do our best to make every customer happy, and it is sad to see that you cannot be made satisfied after all our time to provide help, samples, solutions, priority support as we do with every customer. So we would like to make sure you can also be happy, but as always, you wouldn't bother either.

Your question was answered multiple times.

So, a fourth time now:

ColumnSizing = true -> sizing can be done from cell border of normal cells
FixedColumnSizing = true -> sizing can be done from cell border of fixed cells, the column header cells happen to be fixed cells, hence FixedColumnSizing = true let's you resize from the fixed column header cells

This is what it is, this is how it's explained, this is how you should use it. The rest is interpretation and semantic discussion that doesn't bring anything for you and not for us. We won't change the property name because we care about not breaking backwards compatibility.
This is my final reply on this matter.