Grid Pack D2010


On a project I am working on a warning was issued.

It stated '[DCC Warning] AdvStyleIF.pas(562): W1000 Symbol 'Resume' is deprecated'.

This occurs on the TThemeNotifier Create.  The code in question is as follows:


Interesting problem.  I looked at your "" file and discovered that DELPHI2010_LVL is not defined.

In fact doing a search in all of your code there is no DELPHI2010_LVL defined.  However, there are several instances of the compiler statement that is looking for DELPHI2010_LVL.

tmssoftware\TMS Grid Pack\AdvGrid.pas(10919): {$IFDEF DELPHI2010_LVL}
tmssoftware\TMS Grid Pack\AdvGrid.pas(35096): {$IFDEF DELPHI2010_LVL}

tmssoftware\TMS Grid Pack\AdvStyleIF.pas(558): {$IFDEF DELPHI2010_LVL}
tmssoftware\TMS Grid Pack\AdvStyleIF.pas(561): {$IFNDEF DELPHI2010_LVL}

tmssoftware\TMS Grid Pack\AsgSpin.pas(1305): {$IFDEF DELPHI2010_LVL}
tmssoftware\TMS Grid Pack\AsgSpin.pas(1314): {$IFDEF DELPHI2010_LVL}

tmssoftware\TMS Grid Pack\DBAdvGrid.pas(39): {$IFDEF DELPHI2010_LVL}
tmssoftware\TMS Grid Pack\DBAdvGrid.pas(4762): {$IFDEF DELPHI2010_LVL}
tmssoftware\TMS Grid Pack\DBAdvGrid.pas(4884): {$IFDEF DELPHI2010_LVL}

I use to turn off the deprecated warnings.  No more.  Now I have decided to confront it.  Please correct.

Also, I do not see DELPHI2009 either.  I do not use that version but it needs to be corrected too.

By the way, I had an older version (issued February 2012) when I discovered this problem.  I downloaded your latest (October 2012) and saw that the problem still persists.

I also have Delphi XE2 and DELPHI2009 and DELPHI2010 is missing.  It does list DELPHIXE and DELPHIXE2.

Thank you.

Please contact us by direct email, we'll provide the correct TMSDEFS.INC file.