Google Drive search broken? FID always blank

Hi Bart,

Looking at the TTMSFNCCustomCloudGoogleDrive.SearchList procedure there seems to be an issue with the AFolder: TTMSFNCCloudItem ( 3rd) parameter, in that the folder ID (FID) is always blank.

If I use a TTMSFNCCloudGoogleDriveItem to hold the folder, then the FID is correctly displayed, but in the cast back to CloudItem in the procedure call, this value is lost.

The procedure then has the line

FID := (AFolder as TTMSFNCCloudGoogleDriveItem).ID;

but this value is always empty, so the FID is empty so the exception is raised.

I'm new to this pack so I could have got this all wrong, but it seems to me that the 3rd parameter to this procedure needs to be a TTMSFNCCloudGoogleDriveItem, so that the value of FID can be read,

Best regards,


Hi Adam,

I'm currently investigating this issue and will report back as soon as possible.

Please note that you can provide "nil" as the 3rd parameter to perform a recursive search in all folders.

This issue has now been resolved. The update will be available with the next TMS FNC Cloud Pack release.