GMapsReverseGeocoding not working on GSM networks


I'm working with Delphi XE6, I've TMSFMXWebGMapsReverseGeocoding version included in the last release of this day Jun 04 2014.

I've three different Internet access:

1) Cable WIFI
2) Telephone network ADSL WIFI
3) GSM network service (cell phone)

If my android device is connected to any WIFI network the LaunchReverseGeocoding method works ok and result is display on my mobile screen.

But if I switch to the internet GSM network it will not work, can you help me please?

TMSFMXWebGMapsReverseGeocoding just uses a HTTP TCP/IP connection to perform its requests. As such, it should be agnostic to wifi/gsm network. When you switch to GSM network, are other internet connections, in particular HTTP requests working?

I can navigate to any website using Chrome or Firefox when I switch to GSM network.

I saw the source code (pas) of the GMapsReverseGeocoding and I see nothing wrong.

Maybe I can do some test, give me a couple of weblinks in order to test it in Chrome or Firefox. Or any other related http request to discard major issues.

Here are some screenshoots

With 4G GSM network activated



What is the result value of the call

in the case it goes wrong?

An EmptyStr is the result for the "ResultAddress.FormattedAddress" property

I asked for the result value of the function itself, not for what it sets in ResultAddress property.