Getting text from multicoloumn combo


I am writing some javascript to read the values of text in the multicolumncombobox to display in another control.
Howerver, the innerText and innerHTML property returns undefined.
The web indicates these should return the text in the <td> tags?
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong.
The code is something like this.
function getRowText(AMCBName, ARow, ACol)
                    RowID = AMCBName+ "RowNo" + ARow;  // eg CBXLOOKUPRowNo2
                    elRow = document.getElementById(RowID);
                    elTableCells = elRow.getElementsByTagName("td");

I have been able to correctly display the text content of row in the MultiColumnComboBox by your Javascript code.
However this was only seems to work for IE and Chrome. FF returned "undefined".
So i changed the last line to "alert(elTableCells[ACol].innerHTML);" which works for all 3 browsers.

If the problem persists, please provide a ready to use sample project that demonstrates the issue

You're a star.

Works no problem.