GetEditorType not working


I have recently upgraded to DBAdvGrid from an older version
The following code used to work (loads a combo box editor in the first column with a list of values).
It no longer works.  The event is still firing and loading the combo box but the combo box is blank when displayed.

Is this functionality broken or do I need to change the way I am loading the editor or enable some other option?

Other editor types (buttons) seem to still work OK.


void __fastcall TFormTimesheets::DBGridTimesheetTimeGetEditorType(TObject *Sender, int ACol, int ARow, TEditorType &AEditor)
//    Load dates combo list
//    ---------------------
   if (ACol == indexLodgedOn)
      AEditor = edComboList;

      for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
         if ((ComboBoxDayFilter->ItemIndex == 0) || (ComboBoxDayFilter->ItemIndex - 1 == i))
            DBGridTimesheetTime->AddComboString(FormatDateTime("ddd dd-mmm-yyyy", QueryRangeStartsOn->Value + i));

Please move the code to load data to the combobox to the OnGetEditorProp event handler. This is the recommended place to alter content of the combobox.