February 5, 2025, 7:10am
I have exactly the problem described in the following thread:
Hi, I have issues with the TMSFMXGrid and how checkbox cells are displayed while filtering.In our application we want to have columns with ONLY a checkbox, without the related text.So just a checked or unchecked checkbox per column-cell. Initially it shows up correctly, but when I filter the data in the grid using the header-dropdown option,it sometimes goes wrong. I could also reproduce this with the demo application TMS Pack for FireMonkey Demos\Grid Feature Demos\Cell Controls In the IDE I ma…
Also when I explicit do (after filtering)
gMatrix.Columns[act].ColumnType := TTMSFNCGridColumnType.ctDefault;
gMatrix.Columns[act].ColumnType := TTMSFNCGridColumnType.ctCheckBox;
still some of the rows remain with text "TRUE" (all rows have value "TRUE") and some are showing checkbox "Checked". Only happens when filtering.
Is there a solution for this?
February 5, 2025, 7:58am
About the issue, please try adding checkboxes with AddCheckBoxColumn instead of setting the ColumnType. Please note that FNC Grid is in maintenance mode, consider changing to TTMSFNCDataGrid instead, where this is no issue.