FNCBlox JSON Error

2 issues with the latest release of FNC Blox:

Trying to load a diagram created under FNC Blox or ealier into an application after FNC Blox installed and recieving the error
Exception class TTMSFNCJSONReader.EInvalidStateException with message 'Invalid Json parser state. Expected state: 1'

Also returning FMX.TMSFNCCategoryList not found. Cannot locate it in the source files.


We are currently making a new release, the TTMSFNCCategoryList will be replaced with TTMSFNCBloxList and will now be part of the TMS FNC Blox installation. The persistence has changed and uses the TMS FNC Core persistence. This means that you will have to re-save the blox diagram once for compatibility. If you have issues with your files please send them so we can correct them to the new format.

Thanks. Files sent for correction