FNC UI Pack for Linux fail in TMS Smart Setup (package 'fmx' not found)

My previous version of RAD Studio was 12.1 Enterprise and my Linux machine was Ubuntu 22 and I could deploy my FNC app to Linux. I have just upgraded to RAD Studio 12.2 Enterprise and my Linux machine is now Ubuntu 24. I have used TMS Smart Setup to install the FNC UI Pack, but get an error for the Linux platform (required package 'fmx' not found). The Linux option is installed in my RAD Studio and the SDK was updated via the SDK manager. I can also compile a FMX application and launch on the Linux machine. My installation log is attached.
logs.zip (89.0 KB)

It is related to fmxLinux not being available in Delphi 12.2 as of yet. I hope Embarcadero will be able to resolve the license, since the creator sadly died.