FNC TreeView Custom Editor Display

Is there a way to have the custom editor display on initial click of a node?

I'm using the TTMSFNCRadioGroup class as my Editor Class. I've been trying to figure out if it's possible to have the editor display on the first click of the Node. So far, I can only get the editor to display on the second click of the Node. First click selects the node, and the second click will show the editor.



Maybe it's possible by calling EditNode programmatically from the OnNodeClick event

procedure TForm1.TMSFNCTreeView1NodeClick(Sender: TObject;
  ANode: TTMSFNCTreeViewVirtualNode);
  TMSFNCTreeView1.EditNode(ANode.Node, 0);

I stumbled upon something similar after I posted my inquiry. They both seem to somewhat work for what I was trying to achieve. On Windows it seems to solve the issue, but on Android, if you switch too quickly between nodes, you have to sometimes click a second time.

procedure TForm1.TMSFNCTreeView1NodeClick(Sender: TObject;
ANode: TTMSFNCTreeViewVirtualNode);
TMSFNCTreeView1.EditVirtualNode(ANode, 0);

Thank you for your reply.


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