FNC Memo issue with time of component creations

I've been having an issue creating the memo control dynamically where the application takes a while to load (about 400 ms for the first memo and 2s for each additional one). I'm trying to conver from TMS VCL components to FNC and the application works but it takes a long time to open.

I wanted to isolate the issue from my own code and tried the sample demo app and it has the same issue. On your testing on average how long would the 5 tabs in the demo app should be expected to take when loading?


I watched the demo video:

TMS FNC UI: Next-Gen, Multi-Platform Memo control with syntax highlighting - YouTube

and downloaded the code from github

examples/src at 08_fncui_ttmsfncmemo · holgerflick/examples · GitHub


It's recommended to use only 1 memo in your application. We have added 'Sources' to the TTMSFNCMemo to allow the user to implement tabs whilst only using 1 memo, thus saving resources.

You can read more about 'Sources' here
There is also a demo available you can find in your demo's folder.

However, if you want to use multiple memo's on your form, it's recommended to use the following code:

 TTMSFNCMemoOpen = class(TTMSFNCMemo);

and at creation of the memo add the following code before you set the parent:

 TTMSFNCMemoOpen(LMemo).AutoClearCache := false;


I will try the single memo implementation, as this makes the most sense resource wise.