How do I get Open Layers map to recognize a touch on Android? Program recognized a click on Windows, and it displays, pans and zooms on android, but I can't get it to recognize a click/touch.
The OnMapClick and OnMarkerClick events are working as expected for TTMSFNCOpenLayers on Android.
Can you please specify exactly what is not working for you so I can further investigate this?
Please also mention which version of Delphi and Android you are using.
I am using Delphi 12.1 and latest FNC. Samsung A20 with Android 11 -- will not let me update to 14. I suspect that is the problem. Looking at either jailbreaking the phone to 14 or finding a compatible phone.
I deleted the map click procedure from my app then recreated it and suddenly it works. Apparently my messing around earlier had confused the program. So, problem solved.
Turns out I also changed service to Leaflet. Still does not work with Open Layers but works with Leaflet so I am okay. Will test with Android14 when I get a chance.
I got a phone today with Android 14 and Open Layers works fine.
Thank you for confirming the issue is resolved!