FNC MAP Initialize (C++ Builder)

I am using a dynamically created Frame containing FNC MAP object to interactively drop and remove into my application.
frameTMSGOOGLEMAP = new TframeTMSGOOGLEMAP(pnlGraphDisplay);|
frameTMSGOOGLEMAP->Parent = pnlGraphDisplay;|
frameTMSGOOGLEMAP->Align = alClient;|
frameTMSGOOGLEMAP->TMSFNCGoogleMap->Enabled = true;

After the frame was deleted and I re-instantiate the frame,
delete frameTMSGOOGLEMAP;

I cannot seem to activate the FNC Map component again, when re creating the frame with Map.

Maybe you can give me some guidance.

Can you try calling TMSGOOGLEMAP->Deinitialize before destroying the frame, and then TMSGOOGLEMAP->Initialize when instantiating the frame again?

Thank you for the answer. I have been off line for a while.
I did try the suggestion, but it is still not working.
Any other possibilities that I can try?

Can you put together a test app?