FNC Grid double click exception

I am using the FNC Grid (v3.0.0.2) in a Web Core application (v1.3.5.0) from Delphi version 10.3 update 3.

Double clicking to edit a cell will lead to an exception if the cell is the focused cell.  Double clicking on a non-focused cell appears to work correctly.

The console log message is:
WEBLib.Controls.pas:2531 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is no longer a child of this node. Perhaps it was moved in a 'blur' event handler?
    at Object.BringToFront (http://localhost:8000/XDataDBCacheClient/XDataDBCacheClient.js:16792:49)
    at Object.EditCell (http://localhost:8000/XDataDBCacheClient/XDataDBCacheClient.js:80583:32)
    at Object.HandleMouseDown (http://localhost:8000/XDataDBCacheClient/XDataDBCacheClient.js:77265:33)
    at Object.MouseDown (http://localhost:8000/XDataDBCacheClient/XDataDBCacheClient.js:51964:12)
    at Object.HandleDoMouseDown (http://localhost:8000/XDataDBCacheClient/XDataDBCacheClient.js:15136:12)
    at HTMLSpanElement.cb (http://localhost:8000/XDataDBCacheClient/XDataDBCacheClient.js:222:26)

We could reproduce this and we are investigating this.


Issue has been fixed, the next version will address this.

Thank You