FireDAC adapter with SQLite connection fails

I got the following exception when trying to use a FireDAC TFDConnection to a SQLite database. It happens during the database creation:

Project Project1.exe raised exception class ESQLiteNativeException with message '[FireDAC][Phys][SQLite] ERROR: unrecognized token: "2eFois"'.

There is indeed a field called "2eFois" in the database (I know, I know).

The database is only partially created.

After this, any subsequent attempt to use the database end up with the following error:

Project Project1.exe raised exception class EFDException with message '[FireDAC][Phys][SQLite]-308. Cannot open / define command, which does not return result sets. Hint: use Execute / ExecSQL method for non-SELECT commands'.

That happens during the ValidateDatabase call.

Hello, could you please send us the project that reproduces such error (I believe it's a specific mapped class), through support e-mail? 

I will do so, yes. Thank you

Any news about this issue?

I have the same exception '[FireDAC][Phys][SQLite]-308. Cannot open / define command, which does not return result sets. Hint: use Execute / ExecSQL method for non-SELECT commands' after calling TDatabaseManager.UpdateDatabase on SQLite database opened through FireDAC.

Exception throws in TSQLiteSchemaRetriever.GetForeignKeys on line:
ResultSet := Open(Format('pragma foreign_key_list("%s")', [Table.Name]));

Exception shows only when running in IDE with debugging, so it is catched somewere, is it normal and should be ignored?

It's a normal FireDAC behavior and it's handled by the framework. You can ignore it.