Find a specific folder


I have some local files which I need to save each day to DropBox.

So I need to save a DropBox folder to each local file to a database and upload each day to those folders.

Two questions aroze: 

- I it good if I save the name of the Dropbox folder? Or is there a unique identifier?
- What is the best method to find the folder? It can be at any depth.

Thank you very much for your help.


- You can use the full path to the folder on DropBox when uploading files.
- Please note that it's only possible to search for filenames. Search for foldernames is unfortunately not supported at this time. 


Thank you for the answer.  How can I retrieve the full path of a folder?

Let's say the user selects Mercedes folder - which is in the cars/sport folders (full path: cars/sport cars/Mercedes).

Thank you!

The the full path of a TDropBoxItem is available as the FullPath property value.