
Hi all,

I would like to synchronize some files between the cloud and the computer app. it could be done with .download and upload but how can i browse directories to find the files i want to synchronize ?


For each service that inherits from TTMSFMXCloudStorage,  you can retrieve the folders and files with the GetDriveInfo call.

Then the files and folders are accessible by accessing the Drive property.

Kind Regards, 

Ok thanks

What's do ClearTokens property ?
( i search on this forum but no reponse )

Is there any documentation about TTMSFMXCloudStorage ?


It clears all the tokens and persists the empty values in the ini file. This allows you to re-authenticate if necessary.

Kind Regards,

i don't how to browse all directories and files with Drive property, i see it's a TCollection but i don't how to use it.
how can i reach the child directories ?
Thanks for your help.


The folders and files can be retrieved with the same code as demonstrated in the FillTreeView procedure in the FMX.TMSCloudBase file

Kind Regards, 


I found that we need to use Folder property which return TTMSFMXCloudItems

And what about the directory separator char of the TDropBoxItem.FullPath, how can we know which one is used ? i suppose it's depend of the cloud ( dropbox, gdrive, etc ) or it's depend of the target platform ?  ( i tried TPath.DirectorySeparatorChar but it's not ok )
Is there something to read it ?

Anybody can answer my question?

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