Exporting XLS on mobile problem

I have a serious problem when exporting XLS from TTmsFncDataGrid on Android and iOS. I have a grid with 10 columns, of which 5 are visible. When exporting on Windows, all 5 columns are displayed OK. However, when exporting on Android or iOS, all 10 columns are displayed. The ExportHiddenColumns property is set to false, of course.
The same thing happens with filtered rows. On Windows, the export takes into account the current filter. On mobile devices, however, the filter is ignored and all rows are exported.

How can I solve this?


We are not able to reproduce this issue. The file is exported correctly. Can you check if you have this property set

TMSFNCDataGridExcelIO1.Options.ExportOverwrite := omAlways;

It might be that you are viewing old files. By default, it does not overwrite existing files.

YES, I use TMSFNCDataGridExcelIO1.Options.ExportOverwrite := omAlways;

I'm working against it now, but when I have a moment, I'll make an example and upload it